Maytag MAV8600 User Manual Page 9

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1. Supportthebottomof the dispenserwith
one hand. Use a quarter and turn four
slotted screws counter clockwise 1/4
turn (figure4).
2. Pull the dispenserout from the bottom
of the lid.
3. Removefill cap.
4. Fill with water abouthalf way.Movethe
dispenserfromside to side to wash out
5. With the dispenserovera largesink or
bath tub, turn it upside down to empty
the water/detergentout of the dispenser
fill area.
Ifyoudecideto changebrandsof liquid
detergent(Example:Tide®to Wisl_ or
TidewithBleachAlternative®to Tide®)it
: is important the dispenser be empty
and clean before adding new deter-
gent.Differentdetergentsmay interact
andclogthe dispenser.
F'igure 4
1. Placethe top of the dispenserinthe top
lip of the lid.
2. Push the bottom of the dispenserinto
the bottom of the lid.
3. While supporting the bottom, use a
quarterandturn each of the four screws
1/4 turn clockwiseto lock the dispenser
into place.
4. Closethewasherlid.
5. Openthewasherlid.
G. Pressthe"PUSH"buttonto releaseany
remaining water/detergent. Repeat
steps 4-6 until no more water can be
drainedfrom the dispenser.It is normal
for a smallamountof waterto remainin
the dispenserafter cleaning.
7. Refill the dispenser with your favorite
detergent (see page7).
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